HGH and effects on aging
HGH Human Growth Hormone - An exciting discovery made about 15 years ago has linked the aging process to declining levels of certain hormones. The research has shown that the body’s maintenance, repair and regulating systems are damaged as key hormones, produced by endocrine glands, drop to low levels. 
Our well being depends on the normal levels of many hormones, such as DHEA, thyroids, estrogen, testosterone, progesterone and others. But the most important anti-aging hormone by far is the Human Growth Hormone (HGH), which is made by the pituitary gland.
Levels of HGH peak during adolescence. After age 21, HGH levels fall about 14% per decade. This means that after age 50, more than 50% of us are either partially or completely deficient in HGH!
The decline of HGH, however, is neither irreparable nor permanent, because we can now control our hormonal levels. HGH may well be the proverbial fountain of youth. Thousands of studies confirm that raising HGH levels can help prevent and even reverse the aging process.
Dr. Michael Fossel, a clinical professor of medicine at Michigan State University, the editor of the Journal of Anti-Aging Medicine and author of Reversing Human Aging, is convinced that our lifespan could reach as high as 200 years. According to him, "Aging is not wear and tear, but wear and tear unleashed."
At the turn of the century, a life expectancy of only 35-40 years was the norm. People died from tuberculosis, syphilis and other diseases that are now curable. This was accepted as just a normal part of life.
Current evidence suggests that it is now possible for us to stay middle-aged until we are 70 or 80 years old and then go on to live healthy, vibrant lives until we are well over 100. In fact, evidence suggests that it's now possible to live to the age of 120 and still feel good!
Dr. Robert M. Goldman, President of the National Academy of Sports Medicine, has spoken in national conferences about how anti-aging medicine is "the future of medical practice" and how it "allows both the medical professional and patient to have control over their personal health and well being and the quality of their fitness and life functions."
He also says that "we have 70 year olds with the bodies of those less than half their age," and that with the rate of advancement of this fascinating new science, we can be increasingly healthier and more youthful people as we age in years. Dr. Goldman said, "Anti-aging medicine is the future of medical practice. It encompasses all specialties and fields. It can be accessed and utilized by everyone."
In a study performed by L. Cass Terry, M.D., Ph.D., when the levels of HGH were elevated, over 75% of his patients experienced body-fat loss, muscle-mass gain, greater strength, increased exercise tolerance and energy levels and an improved quality of life. A large majority also reported better skin texture and greater skin thickness and elasticity.
Daniel Rudman, M.D. and his colleagues at the Medical College of Wisconsin, administered HGH to a group of men between the ages of 61-80. They found that within six months, without any change in diet, exercise, or smoking habits, the men lost 14% of their body-fat and gained an average of 8.8% lean muscle mass.
In addition, their bone density increased and their skin texture improved. Dr. Rudman wrote, "The effects of six months of HGH administration…were equivalent in magnitude to the changes incurred during 10 to 20 years of aging."
Today’s Serious Diseases may soon Disappear
Over 100 million Americans are currently suffering the effects of degenerative diseases directly resulting from the aging process. This accounts for 90% of all diseases in America today. By solving the problems associated with aging, we can eliminate over 50% of all disease overnight! HGH may be effective in preventing or eliminating many common degenerative diseases and conditions resulting from aging. Here are some of the considerable benefits associated with increased HGH levels:
Better body contour - HGH may be the most effective fat-loss regimen ever discovered. Raised levels of HGH can re-contour the body, melting away fat and building muscle. In two studies performed by Dr. David Clemmons, chief of endocrinology at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, elevated HGH levels combined with dieting caused a 25% acceleration in the rate of fat loss, above and beyond the effect of dieting alone. In 11 weeks, the subjects lost between 20 to 32 pounds of fat while maintaining their body tone.
People who elevate their levels of HGH look like they've shed years away along with excess fat; especially in the abdomen - the area most closely associated with an increased risk of heart attack! In every HGH study, body fat has decreased and lean body mass has increased.
Better brain function - Elevated levels of HGH raise energy levels, improve slow-wave sleep and elevate mood. In a startling report, Dr. Gudmundur Johannson's team found that higher HGH levels can actually change the levels of certain neurotransmitters in the human brain, raising the level of B-endorphin (associated with happy, euphoric feelings) and lowering the level of dopamine (associated with feelings of agitation).
In other reports, HGH appears to reduce stress, improve focus and concentration and help build self-esteem and self-confidence. Raising HGH levels has also been known to reverse a decline in memory and cognitive performance. In one study performed on adult male patients deficient in HGH, Dutch researchers, headed by Jan Berend Deijem, M.D., found HGH deficiency to be associated with impairments in iconic memory (the ability to process flashes of information), short-term memory, long-term memory and perceptual motor skills such as hand-eye coordination.
Increased immune function
In 1985, Keith Kelley, M.D., a research immunologist at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, found that elevated levels of HGH could regenerate a shriveled thymus gland. This improves the manufacturing of new antibodies and increases the production of white blood cells.
Improved cardiac function - Increasing the levels of HGH improves cardiac function and protects against cardiovascular disease. It improves blood cholesterol profiles by raising HDL (good) cholesterol and lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol. It can also reduce blood pressure by about 10%.
Heart failure reversal - In a 1996 study in the New England Journal of Medicine, HGH was given to seven patients - five men and two women with moderate to severe heart failure. They experienced increased thickness of the left ventricular wall, an enhancement in the ability of the heart to contract and pump blood, reduced oxygen requirement of the heart, improved exercise capacity and an enhanced quality of life.
Increased sexual performance - Male potency declines as HGH levels fall. By age 80, 75% of men are incapable of getting or sustaining erections. In Dr. Terry’s study of 202 aging adults, he found that 75% of the men reported improved sexual potency and frequency and 62% had longer-lasting erections. In fact, practically every patient, both male and female, reports substantial improvements in both libido (desire) and sexual function with increased levels of HGH.
Other Nutrients can help Improve HGH levels
Many nutrients have been shown to support increased HGH levels. One European study showed Arginine to effectively increase the blood levels of HGH by 300%! Arginine enhances immune function by synchronizing hormones. An immune system that is improperly synchronized can not function at optimal levels, leaving you constantly sick and unhealthy.
A synergistic effect also has been shown between Arginine and Lysine. According to a 1981 study by Italian researcher A. Isidori, M.D. and his associates at the University of Rome, the combination of Lysine and Arginine in 15 men was 10 times more effective than taking Arginine alone.
Glutamine is the latest amino acid to generate excitement as a HGH releaser, due to the fascinating results of a 1995 study performed on volunteers ranging from 32 to 64 years of age by Thomas C. Welbourne of Louisiana State University College of Medicine. He found that Glutamine raised HGH levels more than 400%!
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a cardio-protective, energy-stimulating antioxidant that has been known to effectively prevent and treat certain forms of cardiovascular disease and even cancer. Pancreatic cancer, the most lethal of human cancers, is associated with the greatest CoQ10 depletion.
Pregnenolone, a product of adrenal glands, has been shown in studies to have a potent stimulatory effect on memory. It has also been known to improve several types of cognitive function.
L-Acetylcarnitine is an energy-stimulating compound. It has been known to improve cognitive function and strengthen the heart muscle.
L-Acetylcarnitine also improves mitochondrial function. Mitochondria are the power plants of the cells, where the energy for all life processes is generated.
But is it all that and...?
HGH for all that is said about it has it's detractors and skeptics. This article is largely written about the positive aspects of HGH but there are a significant number in the medical establishment that are opposed to the use of HGH. Few seem to have a problem with trying to make the body produce its optimum level naturally, but any conscientious medical professional will refuse the indiscriminate use of HGH.
Use of HGH in some circumstances can cause severe damage and there is strong speculation that it can accelerate the effects of some diseases. It makes sense that you should always go through a complete physical examination before being treated with HGH.
HGH has a tremendous promise for physical and mental health and well-being, but like any medical treatment, there can be downsides and disasters. Nevertheless, the potential future for HGH is phenomenal and we look forward to watching its future.